Friday, October 19, 2012

Back on Track.

Wow, it has been a long time since I last left a post. Well I am only really seeing this as something for myself to track my progress. Anyways I managed to get myself the actual program after a long time of tinkering. In reality I have been taking classes on coding, so concepts like ruby (which scripting system the RPG Maker VX Ace program uses). Right now I am writing down concepts, places, maps, story, etc. Just laying a foundation at the moment. I have got to say this has been very fun. I want to consider what I want to implement for combat and how my character's interact. Hopefully I can post screenshots at some point in the future. Well back to business.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Board Games!

What is it about rules and cardboard that draws us in? I never quite understood the imagination that went into many of the board games we see today. That is, until I started looking at myself. I love a good story, one that will have you turning page after page, depriving you of sleep, or having you hold it with knight knuckles. That is when it hit me. board games are like stories with rules. When we follow them, a board game can properly entertain ourselves no matter how abstract it is. I carried around with me for a long time a small black pocket sized book containing my stories and board game ideas, even down to the rules of game play. As a flash of brilliance hit my mind on some story or game I was thinking of, I would pull out my book instantly and take down my ideas, lest I forget and lose my precious gems. I would post these ideas here, but fear begets me. Needless to say, the human mind craves an order but an excitement along with it. Let it be known that a good board game every now and then is good for the soul, especially in the company of dear friends.
Perhaps when I get the courage to finish an idea I will post it here.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What is this?

Everyone wants a corner in which people will be able to see them at a 90 degrees. Like a cheap booth purchased at the far reaches of an expo.

Here I will post my current ideas, project I am working on and other things that capture my attention. fun.